We are very proud of the numerous programs and events that have taken place at YIOP over the past six years. Below are thumbnails of some of our different programs with short descriptions.

YIOP's Beit Midrash Program

The Beit Midrash program at YIOP began with the hope of creating an atmosphere of learning and Torah growth throughout our shul. Instead of spreading classing throughout the week, YIOP offers a series of classes, chavrusa learning with the Kollel Torah Mitzion, and special programs on Monday evenings. This has created a sense of energy and excitement about learning in our shul, and an awareness of the importance of continued Torah growth throughout the year. The topics of the shiurim change seasonally, and have included crash courses in Hebrew, Halachah, Parshat Hashavua, Navi, and other topics including the Disengagement from Gaza, and the Jewish Lifecycle.

Beit Midrash Fall 2003 Beit Midrash Winter 5767 Beit Midrash Spring 5766 Beit Midrash Winter 2005 Beit Midrash Winter 2004 Beit Midrash High Holidays 2006

Click on any of the above images to download a pdf version of the original flyer.

YIOP's Pre-High Holiday Lecture Series

I have always felt that with the onset of the month of Elul, many people find it difficult to get into a "yamim norai'm" frame of mind. In addition, the Detroit community is blessed with a wide variety of talented and knowledgeable speakers that have wonderful insights to share with the members of the shul and the broader community. To that end, for the past five years YIOP has hosted a pre-High Holiday speaker series, featuring noted rabbis and speakers from both within the Oak Park area and also from outside our city. The series always culminates with a family Shalosh Seudos on Shabbos shuvah, followed by my Shabbos Shuvah Drashah. This program has been successful on a number of different fronts: (a) It creates a feeling a association and connection with the different schools, organizations and institutions whose leaders speak in our shul (b) It creates an awareness of the month of Elul, and the need for preparation for the Yamim Noraim (c) The shiurim are always wonderful, insightful and informative Notice that as a family shul, we want to encourage everyone to attend and make that possible even for parents of young children. To that end, we always provide babysitting in our children's room during this series.

Pre High Holiday Lecture 2002 Pre High Holiday Lecture 2003 Pre High Holiday Lecture 2004 Pre High Holiday Lecture 2005 Pre High Holiday Lecture 2006 Pre High Holiday Lecture 2007

Click on any of the above images to download a pdf version of the original flyer.