Audio Series by Rabbi Spolter
Personal Parshah with Rabbi Spolter
This series takes place in Yad Binyamin, Israel, given in my home on Wednesday mornings. Enjoy the shiur, and feel free to join us if you're in town. Join us as we look at the weekly Torah portion with an eye towards learning valuable and important lessons that affect our daily lives through the text, context and background themes that appear in the weekly parhsah.
Note that all audio is in mp3 format and downloads directly.
Parshat Terumah: Life Lessons from the Aron
The Aron - the ark that held the luchot, conveys critical messages to us about the way we can lead
more meaningful and spiritual lives. In this shuir we focus on the subtle but critical messages hidden in the text describing
the blueprints for the aron - and how this relates to Jewish day schools, raising children, and learning in kollel. Really.
Click here for the Audio File
Parshat Mishpatim: The Challenge of Faith and Medicine
When we get sick, we go to the doctor. Yet, how does our reliance on modern medicine affect
our faith in Hashem? Is there a conflict between our spirituality and our medical insurance?
Click here for the Audio File
Parshat Yitro: Protective Parenting - Benefits and Dangers
In this shiur, we examine the challenge of parenting and leadership, and the challenges and conflicts
that these dual roles raised for Moshe - and for each of us.
Click here for the Audio File
Parshat Hashavua from YIOP
I gave these shiurim at my weekly parshah shiur at the Young Israel of Oak Park on Tuesday afternoon.
Parshat Beraishis -- Kayin and Hevel, Dealing With Adversity
Parshat Noach -- The Curse of the Land
Parshat Noach II - The Dangers of Wine
Parshat Lech Lecho -- The Dangers of Kiruv
Parshat Vayera - Life in Sedom
Parshat Chaye Sara: Doing the Right Thing, and "Where was Yitzchak?
Parshat Toldos: Yitzchak, and Living the Life of a Forefather
Parshat Vayeitze: Introduction to Yaakov
Parshat Vayishlach: Understanding Reuven
Parshat Vayeishev: Yehudah and Leadership
Parshat Vayechi: Yosef and His Family
Parshat Shemos: Moshe and the Conundrum of Leadership
Parshat Vaera: Egypt then and Now, and Faith in God
Parshat Bo: Learning About God
Parshat Beshalach: Parshat HaMan -- God in Daily Life
Parshat Yisro: Learning Leadership
Parshat Ki Tisa - Aharon's Role in the Golden Calf
Parshat Emor -- The Definition of Holiness
Parshat Behar Bechukosai - Meaning in the Shemittah
Parshat Shelach - The Sin of the Spies
Parshat Korach - The Challenge to Moshe's Leadership
Parshat Pinchas - Saving the Day
Parshat Matos - How America Affects the Israeli Jewish Community
Parshat Devarim - Finding the Root Cause of Failure
Parshat Ki Tetze - Our Actions Have Consequences
Parshat Ki Tavo - Walking on God's Path
Rosh Hashanah - Understanding the Akeidah