Rules of Disengagement with Rabbi Spolter

Disengagement graphic

The 2005 Disengaement proved painful and difficult for Torah Jews both in and outside of Israel. In addition, the issue itself raised numerous halachic and ethical questions. During this series, recorded before the actual disengagement from Gaza took place, Rabbi Spolter discussed how halachah deals with the issue of the disengagement from the Gaza Strip and the Shomron.

Note that all audio is in mp3 format and downloads directly. You will need a pdf reader (available here) to read the source sheets.

Shiur 1: Is Gaza in the Land of Israel?
Source Sheets  Audio file

Shiur 2: Does the Torah Recognize Democracy?
Source Sheets  Audio file

Shiur 3: Is it a Mitzvah to Settle the Land Today?
Source Sheets  Audio file

Shiur 4: Should Soldiers Obey or Disobey Orders?
Source Sheets  Audio file

Shiur 5: Summing it All Up
Source Sheets  Audio file

Special Shiur with Rav Yechezkel Yaakovson, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Sha'alvim in Israel. Rav Yaakovson gives his unique perspective on the disengagement, and shares with us how he instructed his students now serving in the IDF. (In Hebrew, with English translation)

Audio file